FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

AITHOZ is an advanced healthcare management solution integrating cutting-edge technologies to streamline operations, tackle denials, and enhance overall efficiency. Tailored for Practice Management Software, AITHOZ features innovative tools like Scrubber Technology and AI Denial Predictor, ensuring precision in claims processing and proactive denial prevention.

Scrubber Technology in AITHOZ meticulously examines every claim, identifying potential errors and ensuring compliance with industry standards. With sophisticated algorithms, it not only detects issues but proactively corrects them, reducing the risk of claim denials. Explore the transformative impact through before-and-after snapshots showcasing claims processed with and without AITHOZ.

AITHOZ’s AI Denial Predictor leverages historical data analysis to predict potential claim denials. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, it provides valuable insights that enable healthcare practices to take preventive measures, reducing denials, and optimizing revenue streams.

AITHOZ prioritizes data security and confidentiality. During the data onboarding phase, stringent security measures are implemented to safeguard sensitive information. AITHOZ complies with healthcare regulations, providing assurance that your data is handled with the utmost confidentiality.

Yes, AITHOZ is designed for universal integration and seamlessly integrates with leading PM and EHR software. This compatibility ensures a smooth transition, allowing AITHOZ to become an integral part of your existing systems, enhancing overall efficiency and compatibility.

AITHOZ offers a proactive approach to denial prevention through the AI Denial Predictor and precision in claims processing with Scrubber Technology. This leads to significant reductions in denials, translating to substantial financial savings for healthcare practices.

AITHOZ provides three subscription packages: Basic, Professional, and Enterprise. Each package offers varying levels of features, scalability, and support to cater to the diverse needs of healthcare practices. Transparent pricing plans are tailored to the scale of your practice, ensuring immediate and long-term cost-saving benefits.

Getting started with AITHOZ is easy. Simply explore our website, request a demo, and experience firsthand how AITHOZ can elevate your healthcare practice. Our team is ready to assist you in tailoring solutions to match your unique requirements.

Yes, AITHOZ offers a 14-day free trial for all subscription packages. This allows healthcare practices to experience the benefits of AITHOZ before committing to a subscription, ensuring that it aligns with the specific needs and expectations of the practice.

For support and inquiries, you can reach out to our team through the contact information provided on our website. Additionally, we offer a live chat feature for real-time assistance. Feel free to connect with us for personalized support, demonstrations, or any questions you may have.

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